This site is for all the AWESOME left handers out there. Because let’s face it … left handed people are … AWESOME!!!
Like “Lefty Larry” … our special little Lefty at the top of this page, who likes to think he owns this website! (Hi Larry). If you look closely, you might just discover Larry hidden among some of the pages of this site. You can also enjoy the articles and reviews that he’s written especially for you! And you may even be surprised to learn about other awesome lefties Larry’s found … including some really Famous People You Never Knew Were Left Handed!
You’ll soon come to realize that Lefty Larry is completely obsessed about EVERYTHING left handed. So much so, he didn’t just make THIS website.
Larry even also wrote an awesome directory site, for EVERYTHING left handed in the whole wide world!
Check it out at
Go Larry … you ROCK!
It’s hard to believe now, but once upon a time, being left handed was frowned upon. In some cases, school teachers and others in society even went to great lengths to “convert” left handed people into right handers! Some of you lefties (or perhaps people are who are now ambidextrous) may even remember that happening to you. If so, or if you have another Lefty yarn, please Tell us your Lefty Story. We always love to hear from our faithful Lefty family. After all, this site was built especially for you!
Thankfully, these days, being left handed is much more accepted in society! However, as any Lefty will tell you, we still live in a VERY “right handed world”. In some ways, there’s something special about that – something that makes Lefty Larry feel very proud. Because it’s that very thing that has helped Larry (and many like him), to become more adaptable in life, in a way that most right handed people simply wouldn’t even understand.
Every lefty knows that it just doesn’t feel natural to use so many right handed products, from standard scissors to lawn mowers, to cameras, to clothing buttons, clips, zippers and one sided pockets, to spiral notebooks and ring binders, to measuring cups and graphical coffee mugs… and so, SOOO much more!
Here at Left Handed Reviews, we hear you! We believe that that left handed people shouldn’t have to live “right handed lives” in this right handed world. There needs to be a better way!
Well, the good news is, quite often, there is! We’ve discovered numerous solutions for many of the common problems faced by left handed people. And that’s great news for all lefties!
So why not make yourself a cuppa, relax, and make yourself at home here. Take a good look around, and you’ll soon find that our pages are jam packed full of left handed info and handy ideas, and helpful reviews on the most popular and best left handed items and solutions out there.
Including some that you probably didn’t even know existed … but will soon wonder how you ever lived without!
Feel free to bookmark us so you have everything you need at your (left handed) finger tips!
And now, you can even subscribe to “Lefty Larry’s Latest” … to keep up with the latest articles, news and reviews, and all the newest and best products for left handed people.
We always welcome feedback from our Loyal Lefty family members all around the world. So if you have any ideas for this website … or even a grudge about something that right handed people take for granted but Lefties have to do without … please let us know. Wherever possible, we love to find and review the left handed products that you need. And if you we find it doesn’t exist (yet!), we may even be able to advocate for you and Lefty’s everywhere. After all, if something’s missing for a Lefty, then that’s just not right!
If you happen to sell left handed products or services, and would like to ask us to review them, please contact us.
And finally … for ALL lefties near and far … PLEASE … tell us about that AWESOME, FAVORITE left handed product that YOU have, and absolutely LOVE!
Feel free to also check out Lefty Larry’s directory site at